Monday, January 26, 2009

Challenger 300

Started this bird probably 2 weeks ago, the main focus of the project is for a design studio, Liberty Studios. The model will be adapted into Microsoft's newest flight simulator for flight simulation, My purpose for the project was to challenge my skills to create an artistic (realistic) looking model, with out the realistic amount of detail, poly's, etc that would go into one, essentially making it computer-friendly for the flight simulation series. The model will include all details modeled such as Beacon Lights, Wing tip lights, Slats, Flaps, Spoilers, Ailerons, Trim tabs, Elevators, Antennas, Landing gear detail, windows, Doors, and anything else that would fit into those "visual details" category. At the same time, Emmanuel Gutierrez A graphics designer for Liberty will assist me in creating a Virtual Cockpit environment, where users of the model will be able to engage in flying the Challenger 300 from a virtual Captain or copilot seat with all flight deck systems functioning, that means all the buttons turn and do spinny thingy's, taking advantage of new graphics software out there that could be used such as baked rendering for the cockpit lighting environment, (VRAY). So anyways enough with the business heres some renders from the 2 weeks of on and off. More like 2 hours...

1 comment:

  1. Man! This is perfect! I was looking for this plane for like one entire year when i gave up, no one ever done this before and i`m very happy you`re doing it! I hope that this plane get`s done fast so i can by or purchase one of those and use on my fs9 or fsx!!!

    Thank you very much for the iniciate and as i sad i hope it`s done as soon as possible!!!

